Saturday, March 29, 2008

My English Course at University of Calgary

This is going to be my last post on this blog. Then, I will give my general opinion about this first ESL level at U of C.

I think this is a very good course, where I have learned a lot during the past two months. The teachers are well prepared and have worked hard to let us learn vocabulary, grammar, writing and the good things about Calgary. I feel prepare to take the next level with a strong base.

One other positive thing this course has is that you meet people from different countries, with different cultures. However, I believe not everybody put the same effort and energy to do all the homework and tasks we must do at the classroom. It is probably because of people’s different ages and interest of each person.

As a balance, I would recommend this program to my friends in Calgary. I have enjoyed and I think they would enjoy it as well.

Earth Hour

On March 29, Calgary will join the group of cities around the world that will turn off the lights for one hour, as a way of saving energy and make people aware of the climate change problems.

Earth Hour was created by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a world movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour.

Albertans should play a role toward this effort, due to the consequences of Oil Sands industry on the environment. We must join people all around the world in showing that we care about our planet and want to play a part in helping to fight climate change.

We, at home, will contribute to this initiative by having our daughter be aware of the effects of the climate change on Earth and by turning the lights off at 8:00 pm on Saturday, March 29.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Beautiful place in Venezuela

Sometimes I remember the warm weather I used to have at home. I lived in the eastern coast of Venezuela, in a city called Puerto La Cruz. This city was founded 45 years ago next to the city of Barcelona, the capital of Anzoategui state.

My home had a beautiful ocean view and a private beach and swimming pool. We used to take the sun almost every weekend and enjoy the warm weather we had almost all year round. The average temperature is about 32C, and even during the rainy season, you can find some good sun to walk around the beach.

There is a little lighthouse we walked to with my dog. The breeze was clean, fresh and wonderful for relaxation. The view of the ocean, boats, kite surfers, sailboats, and birds was excellent.

The city is crowded during July and August, when students are on vacations and go to Puerto La Cruz to have some fun. A 2,5 hours trip in a ferry boat can take you to Margarita Island, another beautiful place Venezuela has. Excellent beaches, shopping and tourist places to visit are some of the options you will find in Margarita.

We are planning to go back to Puerto La Cruz during summer, to spend there two good and long vacation months. For sure we will practice some water sports and will visit our friends there.

It will be a chance and training to be prepare for next winter here in Calgary.

Calgary Public Library

One thing I like from Calgary is the Public Library System. Since the first day I arrived I noticed one Public Library near home, at Country Hills. When I visited I was impressed wow organized it is, with many books, videos, music CD’s, magazines, newspapers and free internet access.

For a very low annual fee ($12.00/year) you can get a membership or registration and from then you are able to use the service. And it works very easy: you select what you want and add it to your list. Books are normally loaned for three weeks. Videos and music for are one week.

If you are looking for something special you can use the online catalogue available at the Library and it will tell you exactly where what you want it is located. If you prefer, you can ask directly to any of the Library staff and they are happy to help you. Sometimes you don’t find what you are looking but, if it is available at another branch (other Libraries around the city) they bring it for you at no cost. They phone you or email you when the item arrives to your location.

I have seen many people at the Library. Kids visit the library as well. And they can also have a Library card at no cost.

Some things like magazines and newspapers can not be taken outside the Library but you can get a comfortable seat to read them inside the facility.

They work seven days a week, except for holidays and have a quick drop off window if you return your items after business hours.

So, what are you waiting to visit the nearest Library to you?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

LRT Safety Issues

Over the last days I have noticed in the news a lot of discussion about safety concerns on the Calgary C-Trains. It is on the newspaper and on TV news. This last Saturday my husband read a full page on the Calgary Herald about crime statistics at the C-trains. The article said crime has increased with years. The last problem happened in January, when a woman was killed near to the Franklin station, at the northeast leg. She was going home at night, after work.

He told me that because the concern on people, Calgary Police has a pilot program with officers assigned to walk the stations, parking lots and to takes rides on the trains. My husband told me they are now installing video cameras at the station platforms and they have posters at the trains teaching people what to do in case of emergency.

My husband also told me he normally sees drunk people using the trains. He believes this is a little dangerous, but people needs to be alert and be prepared for any situation. Personal safety is our own responsibility. If you care yourself, less chance to be involved in crime incidents. He told me to take some precautions when using the trains I would like to share with you:
1.-Don’t walk or stay alone at the platforms
2.-If a drunk person gets on a train, try not to bother them. Be alert.
3.-Don’t plan to use trains late at night

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Visiting Edmonton

Last Saturday we went to Edmonton, the trip was about 3 hours long by car from Calgary to Edmonton. We took Highway number 2 North, we passed a few small town, among them: Airdrie, Red Deer, Leduc, etc. On in our way we stopped at two diferent visitor centre, where people were nice and they gave us Edmonton City map.
Then arrived to Edmonton and we went to the West Edmonton Mall. It is very big and beautiful. Inside It has a mini golf, amusement park with several roller coaster, an aquarium, a Water Park with waves, a pirates ship, fat food, a lot of restaurant and many stores.
The mall was crowded, because there was a cheer leaders tournament. Kids from different school were in competition, It was interesting to watch them. We spent the day and we had lunch in an nice restaurant.
Finally, we went to the Down Town, before heading back to Calgary. It is a big City people should visit.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A visit to the Zoo

Last Saturday my husband, my daughter and myself visited the Calgary Zoo. The Zoo is very beautiful and it has very pretty animals. It is divided by continents and it has some different animals of those continents. We saw elephants, giraffes, wolfs, gorillas, tigers, mosses, kangaroos, stingrays, zebras, bears, hippos, snakes, frogs, birds, buffalos, deers, lions, hyenas, etc.

The Zoo is located on the NE quadrant of the city. There is a C-Train station near the Zoo. We went by car. Once we arrived we pay a 42$ admission fee at the Zoo entrance.
The weather was good that day. There were lots of families with kids visiting the zoo, enjoying a nice weather day in Calgary; sunny most of the time, and a little windy.

At the Zoo, you need to be careful with animals. You must not feed them unless is allowed and you must follow all signs. We saw a tiger, when walking around its cage, stopping by where people was looking at it and peeing a little girl on her face.