Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hogares Crea de Venezuela

My country has serious problems: drugs, alcohol, VIH, unemployment, gangs, corruption, etc. The most important is corruption in the government, but drugs are killing the future of the country (children and teenagers)

However, there are some charity organizations that helps in solving some of these problems. Hogares Crea de Venezuela is one of them ( Founded in Valencia, in 1983, by Padre Jose Maria Rivolta, it helps people on drugs to come back to society and stop those consuming drugs.

Padre Rivolta started this initiative when he realized the consumption of cocaine, marihuana and crack were increasing among young people. He then opened his house to received teens living on the streets because of drugs. The project went so well that today Hogares Crea can be found all over the country.

As drug traffic and consumption increases all over the world, organizations such as Hogares Crea de Venezuela put a grain of sand in helping people and humanity to have a better future.


Ru said...

I think that there are the same problems in Taiwan, unemployment and corruption especially. There are many organizations in Taiwan to solve these problems. I hope these problems will be solved.

Marcy said...

This is a terrible situation, and it's good the country is getting some help. Do you think you will go back there to live or do you want to stay here?