Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour

On March 29, Calgary will join the group of cities around the world that will turn off the lights for one hour, as a way of saving energy and make people aware of the climate change problems.

Earth Hour was created by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a world movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour.

Albertans should play a role toward this effort, due to the consequences of Oil Sands industry on the environment. We must join people all around the world in showing that we care about our planet and want to play a part in helping to fight climate change.

We, at home, will contribute to this initiative by having our daughter be aware of the effects of the climate change on Earth and by turning the lights off at 8:00 pm on Saturday, March 29.


Margarita said...

Tania I like this topic, because is necessary that all countries establish goal to conservation of the natural resources. Saving energy is great step.

Anonymous said...

It's very interestin, and in think that is so importat to take part of this kind of actions.

hinojosa ca said...

Hi Tania I couldn't read it before, the next time I turn off the light wherever I stay

Klaudia'S timE! said...

i didnt know! woow its so intersenting and the best thing you can do something good for the world i like that the next time i will do the same!